Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hey Ya'll

Hey Ya'll,
             Been doing research on my family tree this week trying to find out about my past . Its' very interesting ya'll might want to try it . I alos am trying to get this benefit concert together but its slow going wish me luck. I'll check back in with ya'll later on today. Bye ya'll Angela

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hey Ya'll

Hey Ya'll this is my first time blogging so here goes. I called it everything in a nut shell because it will have all things I do not like and everything I do. Of course, alot of my southern style and charm mixed in you know fire and ice :). I hope you enjoy it. First of I am a mom who loves her 2 boys more than I could ever explain. I am married to my husband Billy, who I have been with since i was 16 years old. My best friend is my sister Miranda. Who is alot like me. She is wild and crazy to lol. Well I hope i did this right if I did not I'll here it from her lol. See ya'll soon.